Turning the Page 

Turning the Page is a collective of 40+ artists who focus on the expressive power of the book form. The group focuses on one-of-a-kind creations featuring a range of materials, binding techniques, and artistic content. Artists share book making techniques, workshop experiences, and other expertise at monthly meetings, taking turns making informal presentations and leading instruction sessions. 

Turning the Page meets the fourth Sunday of the month at 9:30 or 10:30 am(depending on HP studio class schedule) in the Honolulu Printmakers studio, 1142 Bethel St.  Meetings are open to anyone interested in book arts; participating artists must be members of the Honolulu Printmakers. Members receive a monthly newsletter with information on meetings and other resources of interest to bookmakers. The group is part of the larger Honolulu Printmakers organization.

You are invited to join the Turning the Page group by going to the Honolulu Printmakers website (www.honoluluprintmakers.org) and click on the Contact page or click on this link. https://www.honoluluprintmakers.org/contact