Annual Meeting and Last Day of Annual Exhibition

Our Annual Meeting is this Sunday April 28th starting at 4 pm at 1142 Bethel Street. We will host a potluck after the meeting. Bring a little something to share if you are able and don’t worry about it if bringing something is stressful.

Last Day to View our Annual Exhibition is tomorrow - Friday DAC 11am - 6 pm + HP 9am - 5pm

Dear Community,

A warm reminder to attend our Annual Meeting on April 28th, 4 pm. Calling all members, neighbors and friends of HP. We want our studio filled to the gills with creative friends sitting on tables, counter tops and even the floor. Do not miss this meeting! Yes- we will have chairs.

We have decisions to make that are important for the future of HP. Everyone must be involved. Our decisions in the next 6 months will impact us for the next 20 years. In order to better understand the needs of our community, our board created a member survey. The board will present the results of this survey at our annual meeting. It is vitally important to have your input. We want to know what you think about our downtown studio, class offerings and also help us think about our direction for the years ahead.

Our 100 year anniversary is on the horizon.

I am providing the details below to help guide your input. 

Our studio move from HOMA to 1142 Bethel cost more than $25,000— the studio was closed for over a year. The move was paid for with donations, grants and with the unique and valuable skill set of Duncan Dempster. Any future studio relocations should be considered with this data in mind. 

HP must have a long term plan—a 10 year plan is our ideal. Our current monthly recurring expenses with Rent/CAM/Ed salary, parking, internet average: $9,100 per month. Our membership numbers are rising back to pre pandemic levels- we currently have 132 current members and 50 lapsed members. We have grown our Professional/Hui Membership numbers from 13 to more than 30. We have 12+ dedicated volunteer monitors. Our studio is open 40 hours per week and we about to expand to 48 hrs w/ 2 extra evenings per week. Sunday and Monday we offer classes. We are active with printers and we are a valued partner with our local arts organizations and businesses. 

So let's dream into it. Help us plot and plan for the future. Where will we be in 3, 5, 10 years? and Who is ready to help?

Denise Karabinus, Executive Director

President Marcia Morse,  Vice President Jeffrey Davis,  Secretary Carole Iacovelli,  Treasurer Mary Hattori

Directors:  Vince Hazen, Marcia Pasqua, Raj George, Kristi Cardoso, Monica Garrett, Steven Yuen